100 East Cano St.
Edinburg, TX 78539
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Edinburg, TX 78539
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We will advocate for victims’ rights and provide resource information to empower victims and respect their choice to decide on what advocacy services they need to recover from the crime.
We will collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, community based programs, schools & universities, forensic nurses, mental health professionals and victim service providers to provide prevention education, presentations, training and resource information for crime prevention.
We will provide crisis intervention services to reduce the trauma crime victims endure as a result of their victimization.
We will provide safety planning to crime victims to ensure they know and understand the services available to increase their safety protective measures to the fullest extent of the law.
The Hidalgo County Criminal District Attorney’s Office established the Victims Unit in 2015, under the administration and guidance of DA Ricardo Rodriguez Jr. with a goal to comply with Chapter 56 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (TCCP) that states the Attorney representing the state has the duty to ensure to the extent practicable that a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim is afforded the rights granted in said chapter.
Victim Assistance Coordinators and Victim Advocates serve as liaisons between the victim and the prosecutor assigned to prosecute the case. It is the duty of the Victims Unit staff to provide crime victims with information about their victims’ rights, provide them with notification of court hearings, explain the criminal justice process, allow the victim’s voice to be heard with the victim impact statement, assist them in applying for crime victims compensation and provide safety planning and support services to aid them in the recovery of the crime.
The Victims Unit staff also provide information and referrals to community based social service agencies to ensure a collaborative continuum of service that will reduce the trauma crime victims endure. The criminal justice system can be confusing and overwhelming to those who are not familiar with it and our Victim Advocates are here to help victims understand this process.
Victims will be educated and assisted in the court ordered restitution process. Restitution is money that the court orders a defendant to pay to a victim that has suffered financial losses caused by a crime. (Certain restrictions apply)
Victims will be assisted with the Crime Victims Compensation application process and CVC follow-ups. (certain restrictions apply)
Victims will be provided accompaniment and support in the criminal/civil prosecution process and will be educated on the court process.
Victims will be assisted and informed of the victim impact statements. The VIS is the “Victims Voice” in the criminal justice process.
Victims of family violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and stalking will be assisted in obtaining a protective order.
Victims will be assisted in the registration on the VINE System to be informed of offender status and court dates.
Victims will be provided with information and referrals to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Victims Division to receive additional victim services after the defendant has been convicted.
Victims will be informed of the legal remedies and will receive legal counsel for civil matters. They will be informed of their victims rights.
Victims will be given safety planning training so they learn to live without fear.
Professionals will be trained on special topics on violent crimes. If you are interested in training, please contact us.
Victims will be provided with information and referrals to community based social services agencies.
This program is funded in part by Hidalgo County, the Office of the Attorney General of Texas “Crime Victims Division”, and the Office of the Governor of Texas “Criminal Justice Division”, and approved by the Commissioner’s Court of the County of Hidalgo in Texas.